House Sitters America

House sitting & pet sitting exclusively for the US

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  • House sitting jobs throughout America
  • House sit for free or get paid for your services
  • Trusted for pet and house sitting since 2007

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  • 3 Nov 2024* - 16 Nov 2024* (*Approx)
  • 1 week 6 nights
What we need
  • Cats (4), Chickens/Ducks/Geese (10+)
  • No
Sit Features
  • Yes
  • No
  • Outside only

We need a house sitter

Cumberland Plateau - Hamilton


Just 35 minutes from Chattanooga, we'd love to have an animal lover to take care of the cats and chickens who run this house.

The cats are easy, no medicine and eat 2x/day. Play before each meal and they sleep the rest of the day.

The chickens have an automatic door for morning and night so they just need poop-scooped, water, and food.

No cleaning required! Just take care of the pets and enjoy the house. There's exercise equipment, kayaks, bicycles, and a lot of good hiking nearby. High-speed WiFi.

Dates are flexible

House & Location
  • House
  • Wifi, Carport, Air conditioner
  • Login to View
  • Suburban, Country, Mountains (Quiet)
  • Supermarket, Gym/Yoga, Parks, Live Music, Fishing/Boating
Travel Rent Free

Sit local, or anywhere

You can keep it close to home, or you can use house sitting as a way to travel on a shoestring. It's all good, and it starts here.

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